Persuasive Technology 2021 Conference
In a world in which technology is increasingly present in people’s lives, and changing human behavior and attitudes is often the key to solving many societal and personal problems, studying how technology might be used to influence humans (in their behavior, attitudes and information processing), is paramount. Persuasive Technology is a vibrant interdisciplinary research field, focusing on the design, development and evaluation of technologies aimed at influencing people’s attitudes and/or behaviors through informed persuasion, but not through coercion or deception. The research community aims at enriching people’s lives in various domains such as health, sustainability, education and well-being, by supporting the setting and achieving of goals they set for themselves, and thus change their behaviors.
The 2021 conference will be hosted by Bournemouth University in the UK. The previous versions of conferences have been successfully organized in Aalborg (2020, online due to COVID-19) , Limassol (2019), Waterloo (2018), Amsterdam (2017), Salzburg (2016), Chicago, Padua, Sydney, Linköping, Columbus, Copenhagen, Claremont, Oulu, and Stanford Eindhoven. The conference series seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia working with various topics of persuasive technology.
Regular papers
Abstract Submission: Nov 30, 2020
Paper Submission: Dec 6, 2020
Notification: Jan 14, 2021
Camera-ready version due: Feb 17, 2021
Posters and Technical demonstrations
Submission: Feb 14, 2021
Notification: Feb 25, 2021
Doctoral Consortium
Submission: Feb 14, 2021
Notification: Feb 25, 2021
Workshop and tutorial proposals
Submission: Dec 07, 2020 Mar 12, 2021
Notification: Dec 21, 2020 Mar 25, 2021
All Schedule times are listed in Local UK Time (London)
Workshop 1: Designing Persuasive Technology to Support Mental Health
- Analyzing Differential Impact of CDS and ARCoD to Identify Cognitive Distortion - Rifat Tasnim
- Assessing the Stress Response and Telepresence in a Virtual Reality Store - Yinshu (Claire) Zhao
- Interbrain Synchrony and Neurofeedback Approach to Social Impairments Using Leader-Follower Dynamics - Marcia Saul
Tutorial 1: Digital Addiction and Digital Wellness
Coffee Break
Workshop 1: Designing Persuasive Technology to Support Mental Health
- Reliability, Usefulness and Intrusiveness in Mental Health Technologies for Informal Caregivers: Risks and Challenges - Francisca Pimenta
- Time to Get Personal: Individualised Virtual Reality for Supporting Depression - Ilona Halim
Tutorial 1: Digital Addiction and Digital Wellness
Workshop 2: The 9th International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2021)
- mHealth Applications for Childhood Cancer Support and Self-management: Persuasive Systems Design features (Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Hart, Basahal, Pokharel and Win): Presented by Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska
- Applying persuasive design to support the elderly in home rehabilitation: Report on explorative studies (Alpay, Koster, Dallinga, and Wauben): Presented by Laurence Alpay and Ybranda Koster
- Exploring the Impact of Persuasive System Features on User Sentiments in Health and Fitness Apps (Nutrokpor, Ekpezu, Wiafe, A., and Wiafe, I.): Presented by Charles Nutrokpor
- Social Behavior Change Messages for Tackling COVID-19 Pandemic in Oman: A Qualitative Study (Langrial and Araimi)
Tutorial 2: Persuasive systems design, evaluation and research through the PSD model
Coffee Break
Workshop 2: The 9th International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS 2021)
- Doctoral Students’ Battle of Stress – Designing BCSS to Help Them Win the Battle: Searching for Design Improvements via Workshops with End-Users (Kekkonen and Oinas-Kukkonen) - Presented by Markku Kekkonen
- Self-determined Behavior Change Goals are Dynamic, Diverse, and Intrinsically-Motivated (Khan and Maes)
- The Design and Development of Mobile Game to Promote Secure Smartphone Behaviour (Ganesh, Ndulue, and Orji): Presented by Anirudh Ganesh
- Project-Machete: A Weapon to Cut Through the Amazon(.ca) (Lewis)
Tutorial 2: Persuasive systems design, evaluation and research through the PSD model
Opening Session and Keynote
James Williams: Mapping the Varieties and Ethics of Influence
Coffee Break
Paper session 1
Session chairs: Iolanda Leite and Alexander Meschtscherjakov
Persuasive Affective Technology
11:00 - 11:15 | Emotional Feedback to Mitigate Aggressive Driving: A Real-World Driving Study - Monique Dittrich and Nils Mathew |
11:15 - 11:30 | Towards Adaptive Robotic Tutors in Universities: A Field Study - Melissa Donnermann, Philipp Schaper and Birgit Lugrin |
11:30 - 11:40 | The Role of Emotional Expression in Behavior Change Coaching by a Social Robot - Matouš Jelínek and Kerstin Fischer (short) |
11:40 - 11:45 | Break |
Main Track
11:45 - 12:00 | The Fine Line between Persuasion and Digital Addiction - Deniz Cemiloglu, Mohammad Naiseh, Maris Catania, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen and Raian Ali |
12:00 - 12:15 | Designing Effective Dialogue Content for a Virtual Coaching Team Using the Interaction Process Analysis and Interpersonal Circumplex Models - Gerwin Huizing, Randy Klaassen and Dirk Heylen |
12:15 - 12:30 | Defining features of behavior design – and where to go next? - Sandra Burri Gram-Hansen |
Poster Sessions
- Investigating the persuasive effects of conceptual priming on tourism behavior by longitudinal online surveys and smartphone location information - Wenzhen Xu, Shinnosuke Date, Masato Taya, Takeshi Iwamoto, Atsunori Minamikawa and Chihiro Ono
- Young consumers response to persuasive digital imagery via social media - Bruce Fraser Wight
- Designing Resilience through Information and Communication Technologies (DRICOT) - He Li and Federico Tajariol
- Breaking the Taboo: Using a Social Robot to Raise Women’s Awareness of Menstrual Health - Irene Kaklopoulou, Thays Santos Duarte, Ziyi Zhu, Yuqi Liu, Sanne van Waveren, Katie Winkle and Iolanda Leit
- Effects of virtual agent's wrong advice on trust and persuasive effectiveness: a pilot study - Raul Paradeda, Daniel Torres, Althierfson Lima, Alberto Signoretti, Maria José Ferreira and Ana Paiva
- Behavior Change Support Systems for the Prevention and Management of Metabolic Syndrome and Coronary Heart Disease - Eunice Eno Yaa Frimponmaa Agyei and Harri Oinas-Kukkonen
- The Impact of Preconceived Expectations of Artificial Intelligence on Human Decision Making - Kristina Milanovic and Jeremy Pitt
- Persuasive Storytelling to Improve Partner’s Awareness of Postpartum Depression - Samiha Samrose and Samira Samrose
- Persuasive Natural Language Generation - Literature Review & Algorithmic Generation of Personalized Persuasive Texts - Sebastian Duerr, Teddy Lange and Krzysztof Herod
Coffee Break
Paper session 2
Session chairs: Elvira Bolat and Dimitrios Buhalis
Main Track
15:30 - 15:45 | Planning Habit: Daily Planning Prompts with Alexa - Andrea Cuadra, Oluseye Bankole and Michael Sobolev |
15:45 - 16:00 | Perceptions of Ethics in Persuasive User Interfaces - Chris Branch, Catherine Beaton, Michael McQuaid and Elissa Weeden |
16:00 - 16:10 | Towards an Automatic Generation of Persuasive Messages - Edson Lipa Urbina, Nelly Condori-Fernández and Franci Suni Lopez (short) |
16:10 - 16:20 | Break |
Digital Marketing, Ecommerce, Etourism and Smart Ecosystems
16:20 - 16:30 | Exploring the Impact of Color on User Ratings: A Personality and Culture-Based Approach - Najia Manjur, Maliha Mahbub and Julita Vassileva (short) |
16:30 - 16:45 | A Systematic Review of Persuasive Strategies in Mobile E-Commerce Applications and Their Implementations - Ashfaq Adib and Rita Orji |
16:45 - 17:00 | Towards Better Rating Scale Design : An Experimental Analysis on the Influence of User Preference and Visual Cues on User Response - Maliha Mahbub, Najia Manjur and Julita Vassileva |
Paper session 3
Session chairs: Nilufar Baghaei and Sandra Burri Gram-Hansen
Main Track
09:00 - 09:15 | Using Inspiration Cards for Designing Persuasive Technology to Improve Creative Situations - Max Jalowski |
09:15 - 09:30 | Positing A Sense of Agency-Aware Persuasive AI - Its Theoretical and Computational Frameworks - Roberto Legaspi, Wenzhen Xu, Tatsuya Konishi and Shinya Wada |
09:30 - 09:45 | Investigating User Perceptions of Persuasive Design Elements that Influence Perceived Credibility - Felix Nti Koranteng, Jaap Ham and Isaac Wiafe |
09:45 - 09:55 | Break |
Main Track
09:55 - 10:10 | Disparate Impact Diminishes Consumer Trust Even for Advantaged Users - Tim Draws, Zoltán Szlávik, Benjamin Timmermans, Nava Tintarev, Kush R. Varshney and Michael Hind |
10:10 - 10:20 | Making Them Use It: User Perceptions that Determine the Acceptance of Persuasive Interventions for Child Healthcare - Sitwat Langrial, Jaap Ham and Fannah Al Fannah Al Araimi (short) |
10:20 - 10:30 | Persuasive Social Robot using Reward Power over Repeated Instances of Persuasion - Mojgan Hashemian, Marta Couto, Samuel Mascarenhas, Ana Paiva, Pedro A. Santos and Rui Prada (short) |
Coffee Break
Panel session: Teaching a Persuasive Technology Course
Moderator: Dena Al-Thani, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Panel Members:
- Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Oulu University, Finland
- Evangelos Karapanos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
- Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Raian Ali, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Paper session 4
Session chairs: Harri Oinas-Kukkonen and Jaap Ham
Main Track
13:30 - 13:45 | Theory-Informed Design Guidelines for Shared Decision Making Tools for Health Behaviour Change - Cindel Bonneux, Gustavo Rovelo Ruiz, Paul Dendale and Karin Coninx |
13:45 - 14:00 | Improving Context-aware Habit-support Interventions using Egocentric Visual Contexts - Mina Khan, Glenn Fernandes, Akash Vaish, Mayank Manuja, Pattie Maes and Agnis Stibe |
14:00 - 14:10 | The Use of a Tablet to Increase Older Adults' Exercise Adherence - Sumit Mehra, Jantine van den Helder, Ben J.A. Kröse, Raoul H.H. Engelbert, Peter J.M. Weijs and Bart Visser (short) |
14:10 - 14:15 | Break |
14:15 - 14:25 | Are user manuals obsolete with persuasive systems? - Eunice Eno Yaa Frimponmaa Agyei and Harri Oinas-Kukkonen (short) |
14:25 - 14:35 | Users want Diverse, Multiple, and Personalized Behavior Change Support: Need-finding Survey - Mina Khan, Glenn Fernandes and Pattie Maes (short) |
14:35 - 14:50 | Exploring the Impact of Persuasive Features on Customer Satisfaction Levels of E-Commerce Websites based on the Kano Model - Muna Alhammad, Isaac Wiafe and Stephen Gulliver |
Persuasion and Education
14:50 - 15:00 | Mobile persuasive application for responsible alcohol use: drivers for use and impact of social influence strategies - Abdul-Hammid Olagunju, Marcella Ogenchuk and Julita Vassileva |
Coffee Break
Keynote 2
Tim Bickmore: Persuasive Technology in Public Health
Award ceremony, Information by Steering Committee & Closing Remarks
Keynote Speakers

Tim Bickmore
Persuasive Technology in Public Health

James Williams
Mapping the Varieties and Ethics of Influence
Organising Committee

Fred Charles
General Chair

Birgit Lugrin
Program Chair

Raian Ali
Program Chair

Dirk Heylen
Persuasive Affective Technology Track

Iolanda Leite
Persuasive Affective Technology Track

Dena Al-Thani
Persuasion and Education Track

Harri Oinas-Kukkonen
Persuasion and Education Track

Dimitrios Buhalis
Digital Marketing, eCommerce, eTourism and SMART ecosystems Track

Ioannis Assiouras
Digital Marketing, eCommerce, eTourism and SMART ecosystems Track

Elvira Bolat
Digital Marketing, eCommerce, eTourism and SMART ecosystems Track

Nilufar Baghaei
Workshops and Tutorial Chair

Charlie Hargood
Workshops and Tutorial Chair

Jaap Haam
Doctoral Consortium Chair

Keith Phalp
Doctoral Consortium Chair

Harri Oinas-Kukkonen
Doctoral Consortium Chair

Christos Gatzidis
Technical Demonstration Chair

Vedad Hulusic
Web, Publicity and Proceedings Chair

Sarah Hodge
Local Chair

Dimitrios Buhalis
Local Chair
Nilufar Baghaei - Massey University, New Zealand
Sandra Burri Gram-Hansen - Aalborg University, Denmark
Alexander Meschtscherjakov - University of Salzburg, Austria
Rita Orji - Dalhousie University, Canada
Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen (chair) - University of Twente, The Netherlands
Event Venue
Event is hosted by Bournemouth University but will be an online only event
Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
Talbot Campus is where the majority of our Faculties are located and is also where you'll find the main university facilities, such as The Sir Michael Cobham Library, the Student Centre and SportBU - a fully equipped sports centre and gym.
Conference registration is now CLOSED.
Contact Us
For all queries regarding Persuasive Technology 2021 please contact the following chairs:
Research Paper queries
Co-Programme Chairs
Birgit Lugrin
Raian Ali
All other queries
General Chair
Fred Charles